Friday, November 24, 2006

Mickey Mouse in de Gaza-strook

door Keesjemaduraatje

de Senator van Haat en Terreur is weer terug van haar reis naar de Gazastrook en heeft nog net het verkiezingsfeest van de SP mee kunnen maken. Ze legt af en toe even in het engels aan haar Palestijnse vrienden uit hoe de politieke situatie in Nederland is. deze Mickey Mouse taal verraad heel goed hoe ze eigenlijk denkt. Of wisten we dat al?

"For Palestine it will not be good if there is another government like we had. With the social-democrats we could work, and get an agreement on the rights of Palestians, and get a better Minister of Foreign Affairs who is not such a good friend of Israel like minister Bot. But the christian-democrats are very pro-Israel. So we will see.

Apart from the good news there is also bad news: the party that is anti-muslim and anti-migrants got 9 seats - of course they are also not in favour of Palestinian rights. But they are small and will stay small and they will not be a big danger, only very unpleasant.

But the good news is that the minister for Immigration and Foreigners, who has been very bad news for muslims in the Netherlands and for refugees is OUT. Gone. That in itself is good for another celebration!"

Op de verkiezingsdag zelf had ze senator van Haat en Terreur al haar ware gezicht en het gezicht van de SP laten zien, door re schrijven wat de eisen van de SP aan de regering ten aanzien van Israël zijn:

These are the demands our party makes on our government:

-Economic sanctions against Israel for acting against human rights
-Diplomatic measures (like calling back our ambassador and cutting of relations) if Israel does nog stop the violence
-Immediate destruction of the illegally built Wall on the Westbank
-Pressure of the European Union and the United Nations to keep to the resolutions
-To stop the priviledged position of EL Al onn our airport
-Immediate stop to allowing our airport to be used by Israel to transfer weapons
-The continuation of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Authority.

Het is duidelijk dat het verkiezingsprogramma van de SP een grote leugen is. daar staat namelijk dat Israël recht heeft op veilige grenzen.

Harry van Bommel schaamt zich al jaren nergens voor en staat gewoon met een terrorist en moordenaar op een foto.

1 comment:

  1. alex dee23:53

    the wicked witch is securing more money to buy american dollars that hamas is eagerly handing out to the people who lost their houses in lebanon...great... remember guys that's where your taxdollars are going...down the drain and on to the bank accounts of hamas....wasn't it strange to see that poor yasser arafat had a bank account in france...with his personal banker, who happened to be wonder the palestinians are so poor....the leaders hold on firmly to the money given to them by the naive european countries.
    i feel for your loss.
    stand fast!!


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