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Friday, December 26, 2008

Hamas voert in Gaza de Shariawetten in

Door Keesjemaduraatje
Het wordt moeilijk voor de Senator van de SP. Tot nog toe kon ze zelf, inclusief haar wiskeyfles nog wel de Zweepslagen Gazastrook binnen komen. Het alcoholgebruik werd door de vingers gezien. Nu heeft de Hamas echter de shariawetten ingevoerd. Veertig zweepslagen voor het in bezit hebben van wijn. Dertig dagen cel voor het drinken in het openbaar. Ga er maar aan staan.

Ik ben benieuwd of dit soort bedreigende mededelingen ook door het SP-forum worden weergegeven. Of er kritiek op de Hamas mogelijk is. Laatst werden de Fatah mensen van de straat geschoten en dat werd nog wel verteld op het weblog van de Senator. Maar of de invoering van de shariawetten ook kritisch bekeken worden? We wachten het af.

Hieronder de engelse tekst en een eventuele link naar Arabische teksten, voor degenen die mij niet geloven en het arabisch machtig zijn. (Dat zijn er meer dan je denkt)   

Palestinian Media Watch

Hamas enacts Islamic (Sharia) laws:

Hand amputation, crucifixion, lashes and execution   

By Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook

Hamas members of the Palestinian Legislative Council in Gaza have approved a new bill "to implement Koranic punishments," including hand amputation, crucifixion, corporal punishment and execution. Drinking, owning or producing wine is punished by 40 lashes, while drinking in public adds three months' imprisonment. Several laws are directed against Hamas's Palestinian rivals, including a law intended to inhibit non-Hamas negotiators by sentencing to death anyone who was "appointed to negotiate with a foreign government on a Palestinian issue and negotiated against Palestinians' interest."

The following is the description as it appears today on the Al Arabiya website:


Headline: Hamas approves law of punishment by lashes, amputating hands, crucifying, and execution -- in order to implement the Islamic Sharia law.

Hamas members of the Palestinian Legislative Council approved in its meeting in Gaza a new bill proposed by the Hamas who have a majority in the Legislative Council, whose purpose is "to implement Koranic punishments." The newspaper Al Hayat of London reported on Dec. 24, 2008, that this step is seen as unprecedented, and has brought criticism and concern from human rights organizations in the Gaza Strip, especially as this law includes punishments by lashes, cutting off of hands, crucifixion, and execution...

The language of the law proposes "primary and secondary" laws. Primary laws include: "Koranic laws, blood revenge, lashes, crucifixion, and execution ..."

The text stresses: "These punishments will not be canceled or pardoned ... except if pardoned by the victim himself...

Section 59 of the law establishes that "punishment of death will be enacted on any Palestinian who intentionally does one of the following: Raised a weapon against Palestine on behalf of the enemy during war, was appointed to negotiate with a foreign government on a Palestinian issue and negotiated against Palestinians' interest, performed a hostile action against a foreign country in a way that endangers Palestine in war or in harming political relations, served a foreign army in time of war, advised or helped soldiers to enlist in this army, weakened the spirit or the force of resistance of the people, or spied against Palestine especially during war."

The punishment of lashes appears in many sections of the law. Section 84 states that: "Whoever drinks wine, owns or produces wine will be punished with 40 lashes if he is Muslim, and anyone who drinks wine, or angers another person [with wine], or causes him distress when drinking wine in a public place, or goes to a public place while drunk, will be punished with no less than 40 lashes and imprisonment for the minimum of three months."

[Al-Arabiya, Dec. 24, 2008] 

1 comment:

Pineut said...

De senator van haat en terreur nam het pasgeleden nog op voor Hamas op haar weblokje, ( http://anjameulenbelt.sp.nl/weblog/2008/12/17/hamas-in-gaza ) enige dagen later was het in haar huis net alsof ze in gaza was omdat helemaal niets het meer deed. ( http://anjameulenbelt.sp.nl/weblog/2008/12/19/huishouden-7 ). Een dergelijke solidariteit is natuurlijk meer dan te prijzen, wie is immers niet bereid om met zo'n verzetsbeweging als Hamas zoals de verzetsbewegingen in de 2e WO te praten ? Dat zijn immers pas de echte fascisten.

Vr. Gr. Pineut
(aanvulling op je artikel : http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3643550,00.html )