Who are the true Muslims?
Hamas and Fatah accuse each other of defiling Islam
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
(Palestinian Media Watch)
A striking sign of the growing influence of Islam in Palestinian society is that Fatah and Hamas are each positioning themselves as defenders of Islam, while accusing the other of defiling the religion. The latest accusations are made in two Palestinian videos, one produced by Fatah and the other by Hamas, broadcast on their respective TV stations.
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Hamas goes so far as to imply that members of Fatah are Infidels. Both sides have chosen to accuse the other of defiling the Quran. This accusation is very significant. When American soldiers were accused of defiling the Quran in Guantanamo in 2005 it sparked riots across the Muslim world.
Click to view Hamas defense of Islam video on YouTube or PMW website
Click to view Fatah defense of Islam video on YouTube or PMW website
The anti-Hamas video produced by Fatah is a medley of scenes of destruction in a Gaza mosque that was attacked by Hamas gunman. The Fatah clip includes pictures of the dead and interviews with the injured Islamic Jihad members who had been in the mosque.
The Fatah cameras focus on the bloodstained floor of the mosque and on copies of the Quran, covered with grenades and bullet casings, to blame Hamas for the desecration. The caption makes the accusation, “Whose grenades are these?”
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The Hamas clip is far more creative, featuring high-quality animation in which the Fatah members are depicted as rats wreaking havoc on Islam, while Hamas is a majestic lion. The lion, with a strong resemblance to Disney’s character of the Lion King, arises to defend Islam and defeat the Fatah rats. The rats are shown crawling over, and burning, Islamic texts and the Quran. They also remove the veil from a woman’s face and target mosques with machine gun fire and RPGs.
The Hamas video ends with a verse from the Quran: “If ye return, We shall return” [Sura 17,8], implying that followers of the Fatah are infidels. The meaning of the verse is, “If ye return (to sin), We shall return (to punish you),” and continues with the warning, “and Hell will close on the Infidels” – in this case the Fatah.
The Fatah clip counters by presenting those killed by Hamas as faithful to Islam, by showing their pictures accompanied by captions, “These were the protectors of the mosque. Look what happened to them!”
Other Fatah accusations include:
"[Hamas] crime: Invading the Ribat Land mosque [in Gaza].
The result: Several men of the Al-Quds Brigades [Islamic Jihad] were martyred and injured.
"The perpetrator: The Executive Force [Hamas]"
[Visual: photos of dead and injured]
"These were the protectors of the mosque. Look what happened to them!
The Ribat mosque: They [Hamas] trampled it, defiled it, and fired in it."
[Visual: Blood and disorder in the mosque]
"Look what happened to the Quran Learning Center."
[Visual: Torn pages of the Quran with bullet shells and grenades on them] “Whose grenades are these?”
[PA TV, August 26, 2007]
The choice of these accusations in clips on both Hamas and Fatah controlled stations are an indication of the universal supremacy of Islam in the Palestinian Authority, and the disagreement is only whether Hamas or Fatah represents genuine Islam.
Click to view Hamas defense of Islam video on YouTube or PMW website
Click to view Fatah defense of Islam video on YouTube or PMW website
Het wordt steeds duidelijker dat de islam als een huis is dat tegen zichzelf verdeeld is, als profetische sprinkhanen, die nu geheel aan zichzelf zijn overgeleverd, vreten ze elkaar kaal. Ook Europa is als huis tegen zichzelf verdeeld en ook dat kaartenhuis zal inéénstorten. En dan is dit alles slechts peanuts voor wat er aan rottigheid allemaal nog gaat komen zoals het profetische woord heeft voorspeld. You ain't seen nothing yet, maak je borst maar nat.
Gr. Jan
Ja, want het erge van die zichzelf verslindende groepen is, dat er niets productiefs uit komt, zodat hen weinig anders rest dan de boel elders kaal te vreten. Na het eens zo beschaafde en welvarende middenoosten, is nu Europa aan de beurt. Vrat men elkaar maar op zonder anderen daarbij te storen, het zou het gedachtengoed van de islam oneindig veel symhatieker maken.
Nieuw is wel dat wij, Europa, niet meer gewoon terugmeppen maar, ten prooi gevallen aan een welhaast calvinistisch besef van eigen zondigheid en (erger nog, gelijkwaardigheid) het maar allemaal laten gebeuren. We hebben nu twee soorten mensen in de EU: hen, die niets mag worden opgelegd en de ander alles mogen opleggen en afdreigen, en degenen die het, at gunpoint -en dat bedoel ik letterlijk- allemaal mogen financieren. Zonder inspraak uiteraard (en dan bedoel ik van de laatste en niet de eerste groep).
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