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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Duidelijke taal

Door Keesjemaduraatje
als je het SP-verkiezingsprogramma leest, geschreven voor de middenklasse en bedoeld om kiezers van de PvdA weg te halen, dan lees je dat de SP zelfs pleit voor veilige grenzen voor Israël. er komt zelfs geen enkele negatieve opmerking over Israël in voor.
Vandaag maakt Anja in het Engels aan haar Palestijnse vrienden duidelijk wat de SP echt van plan is.


To my friends in Gaza (1)

Geplaatst onder: Algemeen, Palestina/Israël om 11.48 uur

Today is an exciting day for us here in the Netherlands. We are having elections to-day. I have to go and vote. My party is the Socialist party, and we take a strong stand for Palestinian rights. We now have 9 seats in the parliament, which consists of 150 members. But after today we hope to grow much bigger. If this happens, we will know after tonight, we hope, together with the other leftist parties, to be able to get a government that will support the Palestinian cause more than before and get a better minister of Foreign Affairs. So wish us luck!

The Palestinian Council in the Netherlands has advised the Dutch people to vote for our party because it has the best program for Palestinian people. Our member of parliament Harry van Bommel, who is in charge of Foreign Affairs went with me to Palestine some years ago, and we met Abu Ammar. Van Bommel was very impressed and he continued more strongly than before to push for Palestinian rights, and like me, he discussed this with our Minister of Foreign Affairs, mr. Bot. These are the demands our party makes on our government:

-Economic sanctions against Israel for acting against human rights
-Diplomatic measures (like calling back our ambassador and cutting of relations) if Israel does nog stop the violence
-Immediate destruction of the illegally built Wall on the Westbank
-Pressure of the European Union and the United Nations to keep to the resolutions
-To stop the priviledged position of EL Al onn our airport
-Immediate stop to allowing our airport to be used by Israel to transfer weapons
-The continuation of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Authority.

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